With One Voice by Laura

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”– Romans 15:5-6

This benediction brings to mind my two beautiful friends and ministry partners. Beth, Miriam and I have been singing together as One Purpose for over 27 years.  This one fact is in itself amazing and rare. Three unique women with very different personalities and backgrounds, we have the most important life goal in common. To glorify God in all we do. We have had many discussions as to why we have been blessed by this longevity in ministry and we know that it is only by God’s grace.  God has truly granted us to live in harmony with one another as we have made it our purpose to glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our voices are very different yet when we sing, we are often asked who is singing what part of the harmony and some have commented that when singing in unison we sound like one voice. We have definitely spent many hours over the years practicing, but sometimes I sense the Lord just gives us one voice!  What are some of the ways we live in harmony with one another?  Prayer binds our hearts together.  There have been few times when we get together that we do not pray for each other.  We have shed many tears in prayer. Tears of joy and sadness. The Holy Spirit has knit our hearts together into a precious sisterhood. God’s Word is our guiding truth. Each of us has a deep devotion to Jesus!  We read and study the Bible individually and we share often what the Lord is teaching us when we are together.  We are not ashamed of the gospel and seek to live in accord with Christ Jesus. Music is our common love and we are so grateful to have had the privilege of expressing worship to our Lord in this way.

What about you? Think about those with whom you minister. Be reminded of all the relationships you have in the body of Christ. Ask the Lord to reveal truth to you concerning how you are relating to your brothers and sisters. Maybe He will call you to a change of attitude or maybe He will confirm your attitude of harmonious living.  Do whatever He tells you trusting His leading. He grants you this grace!

My prayer is that God will continue to pour out His endurance and encouragement on us and that as we pray together, looking to His Word for guidance, and sing with one voice for His glory, He will grant us many more years of ministry! May He do the same for you!

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